Our online court booking system is run by ClubSpark -

To book a court, simply click on the logo to the right, click 'sign in' at the top right hand side of the page, select the date and the date you wish to book a court for. Please note that courts can only be booked 4 weeks in advance and there are some restrictions on the number of bookings that can be made in any one week.


Members should use the login id and password set up when they joined the club. All bookings by members are free of charge.


Midweek during the day and in the evenings at a weekend (and at other times which may be decided by the committee when courts are not required for club play), people who are not members of the club can book the courts on a "Pay and Play" basis. The charge for this is £4 per 30 minutes and courts can be booked and paid for online with it being possible to cancel courts without penalty up to 24 hours prior to the booking. Players making a booking will need to register through ClubSpark. When you make a booking you will get a pin code for the gate to court 4. This needs to be entered including the * at the beginning of the number.

If you have any problems, please email or John Shelton on who is our system administrator.